Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some commonly asked questions. Please note that some of our information may change before we are able to update it below. Therefore, it is a good idea to confirm any information that will be important to you at the time of scheduling. 

1. What is your fee per session? Each 1-hour session is $125. We also offer 30-minute sessions for established clients who do not need a full hour; the rate for these is $62.  

2. Do you take insurance? We accept most Aetna policies. We do not take other insurance but are happy to provide you with a receipt known as a superbill  after each session that you can submit to your insurance company to request reimbursement. 

3. Can I use my health spending or flex spending card as payment? Yes, providing there is funding on your card to cover services provided. 

4. Do you see people in the evenings?  We do not typically see individuals past 5:00 during the weekdays but do see people on the weekends to accommodate work schedules. 

5. What if I need short-term disability or FMLA paperwork completed? Any type of work-related leave requests are considered only on a case-by-case basis and only for individuals who we have worked with regularly for at least 3 months. If you feel you need work-related leave immediately, we will unfortunately not be able to accommodate your request and encourage you to reach out to a different provider. 

6. My ex and I are going to be going to court over child custody and since you're my therapist, I may need to call you to testify on my behalf. Is that ok? If you feel you may need your therapist to testify on your behalf regarding child custody or any legal or civil matter we are not the right fit for what you are needing. It is best to work with a therapist who currently performs the type of court-related work that you are needing such as providing testimony or opinions. 

7. I see you do individual counseling but do you also work with families or couples? We absolutely encourage family members to be part of your journey and will, with your permission include them when necessary. However, because we do not offer family or relationship counseling, if there is a situation that also warrants ongoing family or relationship sessions, we will refer you to a marriage and family-based therapist while continuing to work with you individually. 

9. Do you guarantee I will feel better after working with you? No. Making these kinds of promises or guarantees would be irresponsible and unethical. What we do guarantee is that we will do our part and our absolute best to help you reach your therapy goals but will also rely on you to do your part as well. 

Contact Me

Dr. Laura Cavicchi, LPC-S, Our Family Experts Counseling


With few exceptions, our hours of operation are able to accommodate most appointment needs.





8:30 am-3:00 pm


8:30 am-3:00 pm


8:30 am-3:00 pm


8:30 am-4:00 pm


9:00 am-2:00 pm


9:00 am-2:00 pm